Group Music Therapy sessions are designed to bring individuals of all ages and abilities together in a structured, musical setting to develop and foster critical skills. Group sessions are developed to promote growth and development among the group by including a variety of musical experiences to target the group's specific needs. Are you interested in our group class offerings? Click below for more information about each class and registration process.
Our music therapist will travel to you with all the necessary equipment. We ask that you have prepared a space that is conducive for a group session. Chairs arranged in a half-circle are ideal for our therapist to navigate the group, pass out instruments and interact with all participants. Our music therapist will prepare a session that targets the needs of the individuals in your group while also exploring a variety of skills.
Additional costs apply for groups larger than 15+ people.
Services conducted less than weekly will be billed at an additional rate. Please add $10.00 to the rates listed above for services scheduled 2-3x monthly and $20.00 to the below rate for services scheduled monthly.
Prior to initiation of services, you will be sent a contract that includes our consent forms and intake paperwork. This must be completed prior to the first session.